Package pajammin :: Package display :: Module image :: Class ImageSpec
[show private | hide private]
[frames | no frames]

Class ImageSpec

Known Subclasses:
CachedImage, EmptyImage, FlipImage, ImageFile, PatternImage, RotateImage, ScaleImage, SolidColor, SubImage, SuperImpose, TileHoriz, TileVert

An abstract specification of an image. E.g.:
>>> FlipImage(RotateImage(ImageFile('foo.gif', 90), horiz=True))

Method Summary
  __eq__(self, other)
  load(self, add_to_cache)
Create and return pygame surface containing the image specified by this imagespec.

Method Details


__eq__(self, other)
(Equality operator)

(Hashing function)

(Representation operator)

load(self, add_to_cache=True)

Create and return pygame surface containing the image specified by this imagespec.