Package pajammin :: Package entity :: Package agent :: Module agent :: Class ProjectileAttack
[show private | hide private]
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Type ProjectileAttack

object --+    
AttackType --+

Known Subclasses:

An attack type that launches a Projectile.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, projectile_class, speed, angle, offset, animation, delay, cooldown, mana_cost)
  fire(self, attacker, angle, speed)
Perform the actual attack action.
  projectile_initial_pos(self, attacker)
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
Return hash(x)...
  __new__(T, S, ...)
Return a new object with type S, a subtype of T...
helper for pickle
helper for pickle
Return repr(x)...
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
Return str(x)...

Instance Variable Summary
  angle: The default angle at which to fire the projectile.
  offset: A tuple (i,j), describing the initial position for the projectile.
  projectile_class: The subclass of Projectile that should be used to create the projectile launched by this attack.
  speed: The default speed with which to fire the projectile.

Method Details

__init__(self, projectile_class, speed=200, angle=45, offset=(0, 0), animation=None, delay=0, cooldown=0, mana_cost=0)

speed - The initial speed of the projectile.

fire(self, attacker, angle=None, speed=None)

Perform the actual attack action. This method does not perform any animations or start the agent's cooldown timer.
angle - The angle at which to fire the projectile. If not specified, then the default angle will be used.
speed - The speed with which to fire the projectile. If not specified, then the default speed will be used.

projectile_initial_pos(self, attacker)

Instance Variable Details


The default angle at which to fire the projectile. This can be overridden when making an actual attack.


A tuple (i,j), describing the initial position for the projectile. This offset describes the relationship between the middle of the agent and the nearer mid-side of the projectile. The i coordinate corresponds to distance in the direction that the agent is facing; and the j coordinates correspond to distance perpendicular to the direction that the agent is facing.


The subclass of Projectile that should be used to create the projectile launched by this attack.


The default speed with which to fire the projectile. This can be overridden when making an actual attack.